Social Media Intake Form social media intake form company name email address company address What types of advertising are you interested in (check all that apply)? Google Adwords Google Display Twitter ads Facebook ads Instagram ads Pinterest ads LinkedIn ads who is your primary target audience? who is your secondary target audience? what states/cities/countries are top priority? share any competing businesses that you feel are relevant provide information about your brand and messaging and identify any specific messaging that you would like to appear in the ads What makes your brand/service unique? What sales/marketing efforts have been most successful for your business? Eblasts Digital Advertising Social media advertising Social Media Influencer Marketing SEO Other Do you have a database of current or potential customers? If so, send it to Yes No What is your desired monthly budget? $500-$1000 $1000-$3000 $3000-$5000 $5000+ $10000+ Do you have any additional insights to share that might help our marketing and advertising initiatives? send message +