Effective Email Marketing Strategies: Nurturing Leads and Engaging Customers

Email marketing remains one of the most powerful and cost-effective tools in the digital marketing arsenal. It allows businesses to connect with their audience, nurture leads, and engage customers effectively. Delve into the world of email marketing and explore strategies to make your campaigns more effective in nurturing leads and engaging customers.

Understanding the Power of Email Marketing

Email marketing enables you to send tailored messages to specific segments of your audience. By personalizing content and offers, you can speak directly to the needs and interests of each recipient. Compared to many other marketing channels, email marketing is also cost-effective. You can reach a large audience without breaking the bank, making it an ideal choice for businesses of all sizes.

Committing to dedicated email marketing campaigns provide valuable metrics and insights such as tracking open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, and more. These insights help refine your strategy and improve campaign performance. With this data, you can utilize automated features that allow you to send triggered emails based on user actions or behavior. Personalization is key to engagement, and automation helps deliver timely, relevant content.

Strategies for Effective Email Marketing

1. Build a Quality Email List

Start by building a quality email list of subscribers who have opted in to receive your emails. Avoid purchasing email lists, as they often lead to low engagement and legal issues. Instead, focus on organic list-building strategies through your website as a pop-up or at check out, social media campaigns, and in-person or online events.

2. Segment Your Audience

Segmentation is crucial for delivering relevant content. Divide your email list into segments based on demographics, behavior, or interests. This allows you to send targeted messages to different groups. Some examples of segments could be people who didn’t complete a purchase or people who continuously visit a certain type of product or service you provide.

3. Create Compelling Content

Content is king in email marketing. Craft engaging and valuable content that addresses your audience’s pain points and interests. Use attention-grabbing subject lines to increase open rates, calls to action to increase click through rate, and compelling graphics/imagery to increase overall engagement and interest.

4. Use Visuals Wisely

Visual elements like images and videos can enhance your emails, but use them judiciously. Ensure that your emails are mobile-responsive and that the visuals add value to the message. If your email is too busy or too minimal, it may disengage users.

5. Personalization and Automation

Leverage personalization tokens to include the recipient’s name and other relevant information in your emails. Implement automation sequences, such as welcome emails, abandoned cart reminders, and post-purchase follow-ups, to nurture leads and guide customers through the sales funnel.

6. A/B Testing

Regularly conduct A/B tests to optimize your email campaigns. Test different subject lines, content formats, and calls to action to determine what resonates best with your audience.

7. Timing and Frequency

Timing matters in email marketing. Test different send times and days to discover when your audience is most responsive. Be mindful of email frequency; avoid overwhelming subscribers with too many messages.

8. Monitor and Analyze

Pay attention to email metrics to gauge the success of your campaigns. Monitor open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, and unsubscribe rates. Use this data to refine your strategies and continually improve your email marketing efforts.

Nurturing Leads and Engaging Customers

1. Lead Nurturing

Use email marketing to nurture leads through the sales funnel. Send educational content, product recommendations, and testimonials to build trust and guide prospects toward conversion.

2. Customer Onboarding

Welcome new customers with a series of onboarding emails. Provide guidance, tips, and resources to help them make the most of their purchase or subscription.

3. Customer Engagement

Engage with your existing customers through regular updates, exclusive offers, and valuable content. Encourage feedback and reviews to strengthen the customer relationship.

4. Re-Engagement Campaigns

For inactive subscribers or customers, run re-engagement campaigns to win them back. Offer incentives, ask for feedback, or provide fresh content to reignite their interest.

Effective email marketing is a dynamic process that requires continuous refinement and adaptation to changing trends and consumer behaviors. By building a quality email list, segmenting your audience, creating compelling content, and leveraging personalization and automation, you can nurture leads and engage customers effectively. Monitoring and analyzing email metrics will help you make data-driven decisions to optimize your campaigns and achieve your marketing goals. Email marketing, when executed well, remains a powerful tool for building lasting customer relationships and driving business growth.

The Power of AI in Customer Personalization

In today’s digitally-driven world, personalization has become a cornerstone of successful customer experiences. Businesses that tailor their products, services, and marketing efforts to individual preferences are reaping the rewards of increased customer loyalty and higher conversion rates. Enter Artificial Intelligence (AI), the technology driving a new era of customer personalization.

The Era of Personalization

Gone are the days of one-size-fits-all marketing and product offerings. Modern consumers expect businesses to understand their unique needs and preferences. Personalization goes beyond addressing customers by their first names; it’s about delivering tailored solutions and experiences.

AI: The Catalyst of Personalization

1. Data Analysis at Scale

AI can process vast amounts of data with lightning speed. It sifts through customer behavior data, including browsing history, purchase history, and social media interactions, to identify patterns and preferences. This analysis enables businesses to create highly personalized recommendations and marketing messages.

2. Predictive Analytics

AI’s predictive capabilities allow businesses to foresee customer needs and behaviors. By analyzing historical data, AI algorithms can predict what products a customer might be interested in next, or when they’re likely to make a purchase. This foresight empowers businesses to proactively engage with customers.

3. Dynamic Content Generation

AI-driven systems can dynamically generate content based on individual preferences. Whether it’s personalized product recommendations in e-commerce or tailored content in email marketing, AI ensures that each interaction feels tailor-made for the customer.

4. Chatbots and Virtual Assistants

Chatbots and virtual assistants powered by AI provide personalized customer support and recommendations in real time. They can answer queries, offer product advice, and guide customers through the purchasing process, all while adapting to the customer’s unique needs.

Real-World Applications

The power of AI in customer personalization is not theoretical; it’s transforming industries:

1. E-Commerce

Online retailers like Amazon have set the standard for product recommendations. AI algorithms analyze past purchases and browsing behavior to suggest products that align with the customer’s tastes.

2. Streaming Services

Streaming platforms like Netflix and Spotify use AI to curate personalized content playlists and recommendations. This keeps users engaged and increases the time spent on the platform.

3. Travel and Hospitality

Companies in the travel industry use AI to provide tailored travel recommendations based on past bookings, travel history, and interests. Airlines, hotels, and booking platforms offer personalized experiences to keep travelers engaged.

4. Healthcare

AI-driven healthcare platforms use patient data to provide personalized health recommendations and treatment plans. This not only improves patient outcomes but also enhances the patient experience.

The Future of Personalization

As AI continues to advance, the possibilities for personalization are limitless. The future promises even more targeted advertising, hyper-personalized customer support, and dynamic content across various industries.

Read Also: The Future of Augmented Reality and Digital Advertising

The power of AI in customer personalization cannot be overstated. It enables businesses to build stronger, more loyal customer relationships by delivering experiences that align with individual preferences and needs. As AI technology evolves, personalization will only become more sophisticated, providing businesses with a competitive edge in today’s data-driven marketplace. To thrive in this era of personalization, businesses must harness the capabilities of AI to truly understand and cater to their customers.

The Power of 360-Degree Marketing: How an Integrated Approach Drives Success in the Digital Era

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, where consumers are bombarded with information from various channels, successful marketing requires a holistic and integrated approach. Enter 360-degree marketing, a strategy that encompasses a full spectrum of marketing activities to create a seamless and consistent brand experience for customers.

The Evolution of Marketing

Traditional marketing approaches often relied on a single channel or medium to reach customers. Print, radio, and television advertisements were the primary vehicles for conveying messages. However, the rise of the internet and digital technologies has transformed the marketing landscape.

Consumers are now constantly connected, accessing information through multiple devices and platforms. As a result, marketing has shifted from a linear, one-dimensional model to a multi-faceted, interconnected ecosystem.

What Is 360-Degree Marketing?

360-degree marketing, also known as integrated marketing, embraces the idea that a brand’s message should be consistent and cohesive across all touchpoints and channels where customers interact with it. It’s a holistic approach that recognizes the importance of both online and offline marketing strategies.

This approach involves aligning and integrating various marketing channels and tactics, including:

1. Digital Marketing: This includes online advertising, social media marketing, email marketing, content marketing, and search engine optimization (SEO).

2. Traditional Marketing: Print advertising, television commercials, radio spots, direct mail, and outdoor advertising continue to play a role in reaching specific audiences.

3. Public Relations (PR): PR efforts, such as media relations, press releases, and crisis management, contribute to a brand’s reputation and visibility.

4. Events and Sponsorships: Participating in or sponsoring events, conferences, trade shows, and community initiatives can help build brand presence and forge connections with consumers.

5. Content Creation: Creating high-quality, relevant content across various formats, including blog posts, videos, podcasts, and webinars, establishes thought leadership and engages the audience.

6. Customer Relationship Management (CRM): CRM systems help maintain and nurture customer relationships by tracking and analyzing customer interactions and preferences.

The Benefits of 360-Degree Marketing

Why is a 360-degree marketing approach so powerful in the digital era?  It all starts with consistency. Consistent messaging and branding across all channels and touchpoints reinforce brand identity and build trust with consumers. Through so many channels, you can create a dynamic digital landscape which allows you to adapt to changing customer behavior and market trends.

Using various platforms and channels broadens your reach and diversifies your audience. You may find parts of your audience on different social media platforms or searching similar products/services on a search engine. Your audience will be able to engage with your content and website through these various mediums, allowing for a deeper connection and better understanding of their preferences and behaviors. All of this coalesces into more channels that you can collect data and analytics from to help refine your marketing strategies for optimal performance.

Successful Examples of 360-Degree Marketing

Several brands have successfully implemented 360-degree marketing strategies. For instance:

Apple: Apple seamlessly integrates its products, advertising, website, social media, and retail stores to create a consistent brand experience.

Coca-Cola: Coca-Cola’s “Share a Coke” campaign, combining personalized packaging with social media engagement and traditional advertising, generated widespread buzz and increased sales.

Nike: Nike’s combination of athlete endorsements, social media presence, innovative product launches, and global events contributes to its strong brand identity.

Implementing a 360-Degree Marketing Strategy

To implement a 360-degree marketing strategy, consider the following steps:

1. Define Your Brand: Clarify your brand’s identity, values, and messaging. Ensure consistency across all marketing materials and channels.

2. Audience Research: Understand your target audience’s preferences, behaviors, and pain points to tailor your messaging and content accordingly.

3. Integrated Campaigns: Plan and execute integrated marketing campaigns that leverage multiple channels to reach and engage your audience.

4. Data and Analytics: Utilize data analytics tools to track and measure the performance of your marketing efforts across all channels.

5. Consistent Communication: Maintain open and consistent communication with your audience, addressing their needs and concerns promptly.

6. Adapt and Evolve: Continuously monitor market trends and consumer behavior to adapt and evolve your marketing strategy as needed.

In the digital era, where consumers navigate a complex web of information and experiences, a 360-degree marketing approach is a powerful strategy for building brand visibility, engaging audiences, and achieving marketing success. By integrating various channels and tactics while maintaining consistency in messaging, brands can create a cohesive and memorable brand experience that resonates with consumers across all touchpoints. In a world of ever-evolving marketing landscapes, a holistic approach is the key to standing out and connecting with today’s digitally empowered consumers.

Unleashing the Power of Organic and Paid Search

In the world of digital marketing, search engine visibility is the holy grail. When potential customers are actively searching for products or services like yours, being at the top of the search results can make all the difference. Two primary strategies that can help you achieve this are organic search and paid search.

Understanding Organic and Paid Search

Organic Search

Organic search refers to the process of optimizing your website and content to improve your rankings on search engine results pages (SERPs). Achieving high organic rankings means that your website appears naturally when users search for relevant keywords, without paid promotion. Organic search results are marked by their credibility and longevity.

Paid Search

Paid search, also known as search engine marketing (SEM) or pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, involves paying for ad placement on SERPs. Advertisers bid on specific keywords, and their ads appear at the top or bottom of the search results when those keywords are searched. Paid search results are marked as advertisements.

The Power of Organic Search

One of the most significant advantages of organic search is its long-term sustainability. Once your website ranks well for specific keywords, you can continue to enjoy free, high-quality traffic without ongoing advertising costs. While SEO efforts require upfront investment, they pay off over time. Once your website ranks well, you don’t need to pay for each click, making it a cost-effective strategy compared to continuous ad spend. Having a well-ranked organic website also instills credibility and trust. Organic search results are perceived better by users because they trust the content that Google’s algorithm deems the most relevant rather than paid ads.

The Power of Paid Search

Paid search offers instant visibility. As soon as you set up your ad campaigns and bid on keywords, your ads can start appearing at the top of the search results. This is invaluable for time-sensitive promotions or new product launches. Paid search also allows for precise audience targeting. You can select specific keywords, demographics, locations, and more, ensuring your ads reach the most relevant audience for your products or services.They then provide clear, measurable results. You can track every click, conversion, and dollar spent, allowing you to calculate your return on investment (ROI) accurately.

Unleashing the Power of Both

The real magic happens when you combine the powers of organic and paid search:

1. Enhanced Visibility

By optimizing your website for organic search and running paid ad campaigns simultaneously, you dominate the SERPs. Your website appears both in organic and paid positions, increasing your visibility and click-through rates.

2. Comprehensive Keyword Coverage

Organic search is excellent for broad, informative keywords, while paid search can help you target specific, high-conversion keywords. Together, they ensure you cover the entire spectrum of customer intent.

3. Data Synergy

Data from your paid search campaigns can inform your organic search strategy and vice versa. By analyzing the performance of both, you can refine your keyword targeting and content optimization efforts.

In the ever-competitive digital landscape, unleashing the power of organic and paid search is a winning strategy. Organic search offers long-term sustainability, credibility, and cost-effectiveness, while paid search provides immediate visibility, precise targeting, and measurable ROI. By combining these two strategies intelligently, you can achieve a dominant presence in search engine results pages, driving high-quality traffic and maximizing your online success. Whether you’re looking for immediate results or sustainable long-term growth, organic and paid search are two essential tools in your digital marketing arsenal.

Search Engine Marketing (SEM) vs. Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Finding the Right Balance

In the realm of digital marketing, the battle between Search Engine Marketing (SEM) and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has been ongoing for years. Both strategies are incredibly valuable for businesses looking to boost their online visibility and attract potential customers. However, the key to a successful online presence often lies in finding the right balance between SEM and SEO. Explore these two essential digital marketing approaches, their differences, and how to strike the perfect equilibrium for your strategies.

Understanding SEM and SEO

Before we delve into the balance between Search Engine Marketing and Search Engine Optimization, let’s clarify what each of these strategies entails.

SEM primarily involves paid advertising to appear at the top of search engine results pages (SERPs). Google Ads is the most well-known SEM platform, where businesses bid on keywords to display their ads to relevant users. SEM delivers immediate visibility but comes at a cost per click.

SEO, on the other hand, is the process of optimizing your website and content to improve organic (unpaid) search engine rankings. This involves on-page SEO (optimizing content, meta tags, and headers), off-page SEO (building high-quality backlinks), and technical SEO (improving site speed and mobile-friendliness). SEO is a long-term strategy that requires ongoing efforts but offers sustainable, free traffic.

Read Also: Optimizing Social Media for 2024: Strategies and Best Practices

Benefits of SEM

1. Immediate Results: SEM delivers quick results, making it ideal for time-sensitive promotions or product launches.

2. Targeted Advertising: SEM allows precise targeting based on keywords, demographics, location, and more.

3. Measurable ROI: You can track every click and conversion, enabling accurate ROI measurement.

Benefits of SEO

1. Sustainable Traffic: SEO efforts can yield long-lasting results, providing a steady stream of organic traffic over time.

2. Cost-Effective: Once established, organic traffic doesn’t incur per-click costs, making SEO cost-effective in the long run.

3. Trust and Credibility: High organic rankings convey trust and authority, boosting your brand’s credibility.

Finding the Right Balance

The key to digital marketing success lies in finding the right balance between SEM and SEO. Here’s how to strike that equilibrium:

1. Set Clear Objectives

Determine your short-term and long-term goals. If you need immediate visibility and conversions, allocate resources to SEM. For long-term growth, invest in SEO.

2. Budget Allocation

Balance your budget between SEM and SEO. The allocation depends on your objectives, industry competition, and available resources.

3. Keyword Strategy

Use SEM for high-intent, high-conversion keywords, and SEO for broader, informative keywords. This ensures you cover all aspects of the customer journey.

4. Complementary Content

Create content that complements both SEM and SEO efforts. Use paid ads to promote new content quickly, and let SEO work its magic over time.

5. Consistent Monitoring

Regularly analyze data and adjust your strategy. Allocate more resources to the approach delivering the best results at any given time.

SEM and SEO are powerful digital marketing tools, and choosing between them isn’t a matter of one being better than the other. Instead, it’s about finding the right balance that aligns with your business goals and resources. By integrating both SEM and SEO into your marketing strategy, you can harness the advantages of immediate visibility and long-term sustainability, ensuring a well-rounded and successful online presence.

Optimizing Social Media for 2024: Strategies and Best Practices

The social media landscape is constantly evolving, and staying ahead of the curve is essential for businesses and marketers looking to make the most of these platforms. As we move into 2024, it’s time to reevaluate your social media strategies and adopt best practices that can help you thrive in this dynamic digital environment. Adjust your 2024 approach to social media with these key strategies and best practices to optimize your brand’s online presence.

1. Embrace New Platforms and Features

Social media platforms are continually introducing new features and functionalities. In 2024, it’s crucial to keep an eye on emerging platforms and stay updated on the latest features of existing ones. For instance, consider exploring the potential of the metaverse, dive into audio-based social networks, and leverage the latest advertising tools offered by platforms like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and X.

2. Prioritize Video Content

Video content has been a dominant force in social media for several years, and its significance will only grow in 2024. Consider incorporating various video formats such as short-form videos, live streaming, and interactive content. Create engaging and visually appealing videos that resonate with your target audience and tell your brand’s story effectively.

3. Personalization Through AI

Artificial intelligence (AI) will continue to play a pivotal role in social media marketing. Leverage AI-driven tools to analyze user data and behavior, enabling you to deliver personalized content and tailored ad campaigns. Personalization enhances user engagement and can lead to higher conversion rates.

4. Community Building and Engagement

Building a strong online community around your brand is a long-term strategy that pays off. In 2024, focus on fostering engagement by responding to comments, conducting polls, and running contests. Engaged communities can become brand advocates, helping you expand your reach and credibility.

5. Social Commerce

The convergence of e-commerce and social media, known as social commerce, is gaining momentum. Explore the opportunities to sell products directly on social platforms. Platforms like Instagram and TikTok Shop are transforming into e-commerce hubs, enabling seamless shopping experiences for users.

6. Data Privacy and Ethics

As privacy concerns grow and regulations like GDPR and CCPA become more stringent, prioritize data privacy and ethical practices in your social media strategies. Obtain explicit consent for data usage and ensure compliance with relevant laws to build trust with your audience.

7. Content Quality Over Quantity

In 2024, the quality of your content will be more critical than ever. Focus on producing high-quality, informative, and entertaining content that adds value to your audience’s lives. Avoid spammy and clickbait content, as users are becoming increasingly discerning.

8. Measure and Analyze

Effective social media marketing requires ongoing measurement and analysis. Use robust analytics tools to track key performance indicators (KPIs) and adjust your strategies accordingly. Regularly evaluate the effectiveness of your campaigns and make data-driven decisions.

9. Collaborate and Partner

Consider collaborating with influencers, complementary brands, and industry leaders to expand your reach and credibility. Influencer marketing remains a potent strategy, but focus on authenticity and long-term partnerships for optimal results.

10. Adapt and Evolve

The digital landscape is ever-changing. Be prepared to adapt and evolve your strategies as new trends and technologies emerge. Continuously educate yourself and your team to stay on top of the latest developments in social media marketing.

Read Also: 2024 Marketing Trends: Personalization, Balance, and Diversifying for Audience Needs

Optimizing your social media strategies for 2024 requires a proactive and adaptive approach. By embracing new platforms and features, prioritizing video content, leveraging AI for personalization, and maintaining a strong focus on community engagement and ethical practices, your business can thrive in the dynamic world of social media marketing. Remember to measure your performance, adjust your tactics, and stay agile in response to evolving trends and consumer preferences.

2024 Marketing Trends: Personalization, Balance, and Diversifying for Audience Needs

In the ever-evolving world of marketing and advertising, staying ahead of the curve is crucial for success. The 2024  landscape is poised for significant changes driven by technological advancements, shifting audience behaviors, and a growing emphasis on authenticity and sustainability. In this blog post, we’ll explore ten cutting-edge trends that are expected to shape the marketing and advertising industry in the coming year. From AI-driven personalization to the evolution of influencer marketing and the rise of secondary advertising channels, these trends offer insights into the strategies that businesses and marketers should consider to thrive in an increasingly dynamic digital environment. Let’s dive into the future of marketing and discover the exciting possibilities that await in 2024.

  1. AI-Driven Personalization: AI and machine learning will continue to play a crucial role in creating personalized marketing campaigns. Marketers will use AI to analyze data and consumer behavior to deliver more tailored content and experiences.
  2. Voice Search Optimization: With the growing popularity of voice-activated devices like smart speakers and virtual assistants, marketers will focus on optimizing their content and ads for voice search, including long-tail keywords.
  3. Diversifying Advertising Channels: Media buyers will diversify their advertising efforts by exploring secondary and emerging channels to reduce their reliance on dominant platforms like Meta, concreting a more balanced and resilient marketing strategy.
  4. Social Media Channel Shopping: Social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok will lead the way in transforming themselves into e-commerce hubs, allowing users to shop directly within the apps, making the shopping experience mobile, seamless, and convenient.
  5. Video Content Dominance: Video marketing will continue to thrive, with a shift towards short-form videos for platforms like TikTok and Instagram Reels. Live streaming and interactive video content will also gain traction.
  6. Influencer Marketing Evolution: Influencer marketing will mature into a holistic approach, where campaigns are strategically planned to include a blend of macro-influencers, secondary influencers, and supportive talent creators. This diversified influencer mix will allow brands to reach various audience segments effectively and build more authentic connections.
  7. Apple Spatial Video Capture: Apple’s spatial video capture technology will enable marketers to create immersive 3D video content, enhancing user engagement and providing innovative ways to showcase places, products and services.
  8. Interactive Content: Interactive content formats, such as quizzes, polls, and shoppable posts, will become more popular as they engage users and provide valuable data for marketers.
  9. Programmatic Advertising Growth: Programmatic advertising will continue to grow as it offers more efficient and data-driven ad buying across various channels, including display, video, and streaming.
  10. Privacy-First Marketing: With increased privacy concerns and regulations like GDPR and CCPA, marketers will adopt strategies that prioritize consumer data privacy and opt-in consent, while still delivering personalized experiences.

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Hanging On by a Thread

Written by: Frankie Ciccotto

Few online events were as inevitable as Meta’s release of its highly awaited application Threads, a text-based conversation space where communities of like-minded people can come together to discuss trending topics, share current photos, or just casually scroll through who they follow to keep up to date. Whether you’re a digital creator or a casual poster, Threads aims to be the next Twitter alternative, amassing 30 million user signups within 24 hours of release. Now, two weeks later, that online platform has grown to over 100 million members worldwide, securing the title of the fastest-growing online application of all time.

Securing Your Handle

As Threads is directly linked to Instagram, setting up a new account could not be made any easier. For users with an active Instagram profile, it’s as easy as downloading the application from your iOS store, logging in with your Instagram credentials, and boom — you’re ready to start posting your first thread. Your Instagram handle, profile picture, and bio have the option to automatically transfer over to your Threads account. In contrast to Twitter, its main competitor, Threads has a 500-character limit, whereas Twitter has a cap at 280. In each Thread post, users can additionally include links, photos, and videos up to five minutes long, further giving Twitter a run for its money. So far, the app is proving to be extremely user friendly.

What Can I Use This For?

Threads aims to target a multitude of markets, including content creators, casual posters, and everyone in between. Their current business model rejects the implementation of monetization, meaning traditional forms of advertising are prohibited — for now. Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Meta, stated that his main goal is to make the product work well, and he expects the user base to grow far beyond that of Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. While Meta clearly states that traditional forms of advertising and branding are not in the cards for Threads, this creates the option for traditional marketers to do branding and promotion on their own, without a built-in ad-monetization strategy. For the moment, it appears that Meta is attempting to acknowledge the need for built-in marketing materials without subjecting users to an overflux of traditional ads.

 This seems to be Meta’s way of keeping basic users happy so that they are not turned off by an overabundance of adverts before Threads can actually become a staple in our day-to-day social media usage.

With millions of people already flocking to Threads, scrutiny has arisen. One of Threads’ founding principles includes the ability to limit news as well as political and social debates — creating a “friendly shelter” to limit the amount of information spread on the app. It seems the app is more focused on bringing niche communities together, whether they are focused on sports, music, fashion or entertainment. 

The app is booming, users are excited, new content is brewing, and communities are alive and thriving. What more could a new app’s entrance into the social media world hope for? The threat of the unknown is what most users are perplexed about. How far is Threads willing to go to appeal to all consumers? With only three weeks up and running, Threads is off to a great start, but it is clear that work still needs to be done if it truly wants to become a front runner in the social media limelight. With its already ever-present commitment to positivity and moderation, Threads has the opportunity to become the default conversation-based app, winning over users seeking a refreshing change. On the other side of the coin, it has the opportunity to raise fear in those who believe the app’s main purpose is to limit and supervise what we say online. The question is: Will Threads be the ultimate gateway app that changes how conversations in the social media world are made, or will it backfire, and leave this revolutionary app hanging on by a thread?

Augmented reality will change how people experience the world around them, and it will expand the social reach of advertisers who will be able to directly engage with the consumer.

The Future of Augmented Reality and Digital Advertising

Written by: Danielle Gazda

With the announcement of the Apple Vision Pro headset at the company’s Worldwide Developers Conference, augmented reality (AR) as a part of daily life is becoming increasingly more real. The headset’s $3,500 price tag is out of reach to a significant portion of the population, but, as the technology improves and becomes more commonplace, it could quickly become more accessible.

What AR Is Available?

The discussion of AR as a part of everyday life isn’t new, but the technology is still in its infancy. Google Glass was announced in 2013 and hit the market in 2014. They are now ceasing production and sales later this year. Snapchat, the popular limited-time photo-sharing app, released its own version of the tech with Spectacles in 2016. These are still around, and their primary purpose is to capture photos and videos from the user’s perspective.

Nreal, a Chinese start-up company, has seen great success in its home country and is expanding to Britain this year. Nreal Air is designed to look like sunglasses and allows users to interact by “Air Casting” or “MR Space.” Air Casting allows users to see their full phone screen in front of them in a virtual display, while MR Space combines a digital overlay with the real world surrounding the user.

AR Uses

The concept of the MR Space is where digital advertising can play a key role. AR can be used to show pop-ups or interactable digital items as people wearing these headsets/glasses interact with the world around them. Brands can share virtual coupon codes or prompt a user to visit their website. There’s also the potential to show an advertisement that will make the user want to purchase the product.

This type of advertising will be the bridge between social media/digital marketing and out-of-home marketing. It will be more interactable and accessible than QR codes on billboards, and quicker and more convenient than having to click through a number of links after seeing a digital ad.

Augmented reality will change how people experience the world around them, and it will expand the social reach of advertisers who will be able to directly engage with the consumer.

Breaking Down Cannabis Policies on Social Media Platforms

Posting about cannabis-related or CBD products on social media can be tricky. Regulation of the words used on creative and in captions/hashtags can cause your post to be flagged and your account to potentially be suspended.

Cannabis-Related No’s and Go’s

A good rule of thumb across all platforms is that you shouldn’t share images of the marijuana plant or people smoking. And stay away from the obvious words relating to cannabis: marijuana, weed, cannabis, kush, high, joint, THC, pot, and so on.

A common replacement across all platforms is “canna,” however, this can still be flagged. Everything is about carefully wording your captions and being strategic with ad campaigns, if possible. Here are some general guidelines for the major platforms to keep in mind.


  • Posts: Marijuana, cannabis, CBD, etc., are safe to use in organic content if it is educational and informative. Facebook bots can be fickle about this, but any issues can usually be resolved quickly.
  • Ads: Only topical CBD products can be advertised on Facebook, and you should still avoid using any cannabis-related language.


  • Posts: Instagram is a key marketplace for all businesses, but your cannabis/CBD company will not be able to utilize Instagram Shops. Many cannabis/CBD companies also opt for minimal to no hashtags in posts to protect their accounts.
  • Ads: Since Facebook and Instagram are both under Meta, their policies are pretty similar. However, in ads, you can use “hemp product” but not “CBD product.”


  • Posts: TikTok users have some fun workarounds when it comes to hashtags and caption wording. Alternative terms and spellings of cannabis-related words include “ouid,” “w33d,” “st0ner,” and “b0ng.”
  • Ads: TikTok is very aware of its young demographic, so they make cannabis/CBD advertising impossible. 


  • Posts: Twitter is another place where sharing cannabis-related educational content is permitted. Many companies opt to share articles or their own blog posts.
  • Ads: Twitter only allows topical CBD products to be advertised. And you should only target locations/states in the U.S. where CBD is legal.


  • Posts: LinkedIn is very open to the sharing of information. If you promote primarily educational and informational content, then you’ll be fine. And, obviously, there are no restrictions to what you can show as your company name.
  • Ads: You still can’t directly advertise your products, but ads can show educational information that will still lead new people to your page/website. LinkedIn has never shut down an account and all ad reviews go to real people, who may be more forgiving than bots.


  • Posts: When it comes to organic content, Pinterest is forgiving about using words/hashtags like cannabis, CBD, and hemp. People post informational graphics and recipes that usually don’t see any issues.
  • Ads: Pinterest is one of the only platforms that actually lays out its CBD-related advertising guidelines: “We will allow ads for topical hemp seed oil products in the United States that contain negligible amounts of THC and no CBD and make no therapeutic or medicinal claims.”


  • Ads: Since January of 2022, Google has started enforcing stricter rules and policies for advertising, which has significantly and negatively impacted cannabis/CBD ads through the platform. It is considered best to avoid it entirely and advertise elsewhere.

The Take-Away

Clearly, it’s not easy to advertise, let alone post, cannabis and CBD content on any platform. We hope, as various forms of marijuana become legal across the country, that social media regulations will change along with the laws. But until then, the keyword is caution. 

The information listed about these social media platforms’ policies do not guarantee that your accounts won’t be shadowbanned or flagged at some point. In many cases, bots are the first ones to check accounts, and they can be unforgiving. But, we hope, this can help to avoid that as much as possible.

Contact 270M to learn more about how we can help promote your CBD business the right way.