Is AI Art the Future of Digital Marketing?

By: Danielle Gazda

With the metaverse, augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and artificial intelligence (AI) becoming more commonplace, the digital universe is expanding and becoming more accessible. Digital marketers have questioned if moving into these areas is worthwhile or even viable. For most of these platforms, the utility and practicality don’t quite seem to be there yet. AI-generated art, however, is on the rise and is something that marketing teams can use to further their creative abilities.

Two of the most popular and well-known tools for generating AI art are DALL-E 2 and NightCafe. There are many other apps and websites that are just beginning their development with open betas. Others are more established like Midjourney and the two listed previously. Either way, this is an ever-growing field of interest with endless possibilities for advertising.

The basic form of any AI-generated art is derived from a prompt entered by the individual using the generator. This can be as specific or nonspecific as desired. You can specify descriptions with the style of art and aesthetic the user wants along with the exact elements, colors, etc., the image should contain. The system’s algorithm then takes that prompt and scours the internet to find images — a process called “scraping” — that will help it to develop options similar to your request.

Sourced images are scraped from all over the internet, including blogs, stock imagery sites, and news sites. It can be an invaluable tool when you’re looking for a precise image but can’t seem to find it anywhere among the copyright-free asset websites you subscribe to.

Something to note is that copyright issues may arise with AI-generated art in the future. It’s often unclear if what is being “scraped” is free for commercial use or is actually owned by someone. Some websites and apps use software that is trained to only search for copyright-free content. However, the technology is still imperfect and not implemented by all AI art systems. Currently, scraping is legal and protected under the “fair use” doctrine. Also, DALL-E 2’s terms of use and content policy say that “you may use Generations for any legal purpose, including for commercial use.

AI-generated art will certainly be more common in the future, growing alongside the development of NFTs. These new segments of the digital art space breed myriad opportunities for artists and graphic designers alike. While nothing may be perfect yet, both are worth looking into for your business or marketing agency.

Are you interested in the future of AI-generated art? The 270M Design Team is always expanding its skills and knowledge of digital design. Reach out to us at to learn more about what the 270M team can do for you.

How NFTs are Changing Art Forever

By: Danielle Gazda


Let’s start with what an NFT is.

NFT stands for non-fungible token. This “token” is the general and commonly used term for a piece of digital art that has been authenticated and minted. The most familiar forms are 2D and 3D digital art, but it can also be music, photography, videos, Tweets, memes, and more. Any type of digital media is viable.


How can you own something intangible and replicable?

Think about NFTs like they’re expensive, physical art. If you own an original painting by Monet then you have the genuine, one-of-a-kind piece; however, that doesn’t stop museums and online stores from selling prints of the exact same piece. It can exist outside of its original form.

NFTs are essentially the same thing. The concept was initially created as a way for digital artists to authenticate their original pieces and be able to sell it like physical art with ownership. The sites where you buy NFTs function the same way that auction houses or eBay does, where people bid on the items they are interested in.


Creating and selling NFTs.

There are many places across the internet where you can find out the specifics of creating, minting, and selling NFTs, but there are some key things you should know. Minting, for instance, is the process of changing a regular file of digital media into an NFT. This is done on a registry website that uses blockchain.

A blockchain is a decentralized software network where no single computer controls the network, instead they work in tandem and separately to store files securely, keep records, and act as a payment ledger. A commonly used site is Ethereum, which is also one of the biggest names in cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrency is important because that is the only payment method available to create and purchase NFTs. 

To purchase and use cryptocurrency (crypto) you need a digital wallet. Setting up a digital wallet and buying crypto happen in separate places. Common wallet types are MetaMask, Exodus, Trezor T, and Ledger. Common sites to buy crypto are Coinbase, Binance.US, Gemini, and more. There may seem like a lot to learn, but once you’re set up, it gets easier.

From here, you can buy and sell NFTs at your leisure.


Why should your company make NFTs?

NFTs are popular, trendy, and worth a lot of money in most cases.

Creating an NFT based on your company logo, a product, or concept can be a new way to get your brand visibility for more and new people to see. It also establishes that your company is tech-savvy and future forward.

Making digital art is free, but changing it into an NFT can be expensive. There are fees involved, but the payout can be significant since most NFTs go for thousands, hundred thousands, and even millions of dollars. This may not happen right away, but making an NFT may still be a fun and advantageous avenue to explore.


If your company has a strong brand identity then it may be worth pursuing. Remember to be creative with the digital media you make, see what’s out there, and what you can contribute to this new digital art world.