How to Market Your Brand Based on the Season

By Nicole Holdgrafer

Despite obvious differences, the four seasons of the year all have something very important in common — at least as far as your business is concerned. Each season presents unique marketing opportunities that can help your brand thrive. Here are five tips on how you can tailor your brand or product to meet the changing seasons.

Incorporate New Designs 

Creating new designs for your brand’s packaging or promotions as the seasons change can increase brand awareness and relevancy. For example, if the peak season for your brand is summer but winter is coming up, you could incorporate designs that suggest the mood and imagery of the winter holidays into your online presence and into the product/service itself.  

Produce a Social Media Campaign 

Social media campaigns on platforms such as Facebook or Instagram generally involve a variety of content (pictures, videos, text, etc.) with an overarching theme and message. In addition, brands usually include hashtags — the hash symbol “#” followed by a distinctive word or phrase that helps users searching the platform to find posts — and will sometimes offer giveaways or contests to get customers talking about and interacting with their brand. If you’re producing a campaign for the spring, consider how this might influence your overarching message, your use of specific words and phrases, and your choice of content for this season.

Promote Your Best-Seller

With each new season, it’s likely that your brand will experience fluctuating demand for specific products and services. When you’ve identified a seasonal best-seller, consider going above and beyond in your promotional efforts. Promoting an item online that already sells well during a specific time frame can attract more traffic to your social media platforms and company website, which could eventually lead to further sales. 

Set Clear Expiration Dates Based on the Season

When hosting a giveaway, contest, or sales promotion, you can set a designated time limit based on the season. Providing a clear expiration date for your promotions creates a sense of urgency, which can encourage customers to buy before the season or a seasonal holiday ends. If you’re planning to host a summer blowout sale, for example, consider stating a clear deadline for the offer, so customers will be more likely to buy before it expires: “This Summer Blowout Sale ends at 11:59 p.m. on Aug. 31, 2021. Don’t miss out!”

Plan Ahead 

Never forget: If you snooze, you lose. Always begin brainstorming your marketing plan for the upcoming season well ahead of time. By doing this, you will have a chance to better develop your ideas, and, as a result, they will come across as more organized and original. For example, while you’re pushing out a summer campaign, you might also begin to organize your plans for fall. This way, you will have ample time to stay on top of your marketing goals, fine-tune your ideas, and, with some hard work and a bit of luck, become a trendsetter.