Celebrate 4/20 All Month Long

Here at 270M, we’re proud to be able to work alongside companies who are paving the way for the cannabis industry. Our clients dedicate themselves to creating safe, high-quality cannabis products that provide high-quality experiences for consumers. 

Autumn Brands

Women-owned, cannabis cultivators dedicated to health and wellness, Autumn Brands is proving women are taking control of the rapidly growing cannabis industry. Co Founder, Autumn Shelton teamed up with Hannah Brand to make the most of a Coastal Santa Barbara farm that goes back six generations of farmers. Autumn Brands family farm takes pride in their expertise in farming the world’s most delicate tulips to produce pure and potent strains of cannabis. Autumn Brands product line consists of; Glass Jar, Pre-rolls, and cartridges with multiple strains to suit your needs. It’s so rewarding to have the chance to promote the Autumn Brands mission of sustainability and dedication to providing pesticide-free products for a safer world. 

Follow Autumn Brands on Instagram to educate yourself on growing techniques. 

Cannasite Co. 

Every successful business stems from a successful website. CannaSiteCo.’s friendly, no-B.S. cannabis web design and digital marketing team’s only goal is to help people create a company they are proud of. The cannabis industry is growing at a rapid pace, and with help from CannaSiteCo., your business could get a cutting edge spot in the market, differentiating you from other competitors. A company dedicated to helping people is a business we are proud to stand behind and promote. 

Check out Cannasite Co.’s latest designs.

Ladyjane Branding

LadyJane Branding’s mission is to “help entrepreneurs stand out and sell more,” says Jennifer Whetzel, Founder of LadyJane Branding. LadyJane works with businesses to help establish brand personality to draw customers in from the very first interaction. LadyJane is devoted to assisting brands in discovering who they are and then telling that story to customers to develop a consistent brand. A woman created a company driven by the passion of helping other entrepreneurs flourish makes working with LadyJane all the more rewarding. 

Find out how your brand can make the best first impression with the help of Ladyjane.

New Highs

New High’s was created with quality and luxury in mind to give those in search of a green-friendly lifestyle the chance to achieve an elevated type of wellness that will leave you feeling elevated and motivated to accomplish your goals. New High products include the highest quality of CBD oils to help increase mobility without the pain. New Highs premium CBD comes from sun-grown Oregon hemp that is uniquely dispensed, dropper controlled, to provide an experience that allows you to choose the dosing. New Highs differentiates from other products on the market by its unique cultivation of ingredients used to encompass all of CBD’s exclusive benefits like sleep aid as well as lessening those horrid hangovers. 

Follow New Highs Instagram page and learn more about their #ShowUsYourScrubs campaign for medical and health professionals.


Originating in California, Kiva confections are known for their cannabis-infused edibles. Kiva employees are motivated by their mission that goes beyond just delivering a better edible. At Kiva, their products are made from a unique artisanal approach crafting delicious, trustworthy chocolate bars, mints, and gummies that provide a consistent experience every time. Their product list consists of Kiva Chocolate Bars, which have a 1:1 CBD and THC ratio leaving you calm and relaxed after one bite. Kiva’s Camino Gummies are formulated with the perfect amount of THC and CBD, putting you in that “California state of mind.” Lastly, Petra Mints and Terra Bites, infused with the perfect amount of THC small enough to fit in your pocket so you can take it on the go. During these tough corona times, Kiva is doing all they can for their customers. Dedicated to serving their customers the best quality, Kiva is following the FDA’s Good Manufacturing Practices to ensure their products are the same safe, consistent, and reliable products their customers know and love. 

Got the munchies? Check out Kiva’s Instagram for an array of satisfying edibles.


An award-winning consumer technology brand, Pax vaporizers are dedicated to creating an enjoyable, personalized experience for each of their customers. Pax lab’s focus is on developing vaporization technologies for cannabis and other plant-based materials. Pax technology is powered by employees with experience in hardware, software, consumer technology, healthcare, and biotechnology to ensure each client can achieve a premium experience. Pax’s dedication to creating a better world for their customers is something we value and are proud to promote here at 270M.

Head over to Pax’s to start personalizing your experience.

Quarantine, Remote, Repeat.

Every person who wakes up to a 6:00am alarm has played with the idea of turning it off and getting a few more hours of needed sleep. No matter how bad you want to, you don’t. You get up, stumble towards the kitchen to make your morning coffee because you know you need to get to work on time if you want to keep your job. But, what now? There is no “on time,” there’s just “work remotely.” So why not turn off that alarm? There’s nowhere to be! Just because your office’s doors aren’t open, doesn’t mean the work stops. Here are some tips to help you stay on track while working from home.

Make a List 

The first step out the door in the morning starts your day and gets you thinking about how you’re going to make the most of it. But now, there is no out-the-door push to get you going. It’s hard to find motivation while trapped inside your house, so you need to make your own first step. The number of days stuck in your home is beginning to add up, don’t get swallowed by a monotonous routine that makes you forget if it’s Tuesday or Wednesday, Make a list! Keep that alarm on (you can move it back to 8:00am instead of 6:00am) to get you out of bed and start planning out what you want to accomplish throughout the day. Having the list be the first thing you do acts as that push of getting out the door to start your day. Make the tasks on the list easily achievable so you can finish one job quickly and get onto the next. A small, but essential task when working from home could be to “check inbox” or “reply to all emails,” this can help keep you on top of work-related conversations and circle back with co-workers to make sure everything’s in order. The physical act of crossing items on your to-do list gives you visual confirmation of your being productivity while never leaving your house.


It’s easy to opt-out of exercise and blames it on the quarantine, but the movement is precisely what you need to keep from going stir-crazy. Quarantine may mean no gym, but it doesn’t mean no exercise. Studies have shown people are more productive when they break up their work overtime rather than sitting down for hours and bingeing your work to completion. According to Republic Fitness, “cognitive function tends to increase after a day-time sweat sesh by 5-10%”. If you take a break during the day, you’ll come back to your work with more energy to finish out the day strong instead of crawling through that last phone call. During this time when going to the gym isn’t an option, companies are stepping up and creating workouts that will make you break a sweat from your home. Camp Tampa, allows users to access their workouts from anywhere, not just Tampa. Camp Tampa created Camp2Go, online classes with a variety of different workout styles like; cycling, yoga, HITT, circuit training and stations. Releasing new classes every Monday night Camp2Go keeps your fitness exciting and knocks the chance of getting bored with the same circuit. CorePower Yoga, is offering an “On Demand” service where you can subscribe to their site and receive a plethora of classes to keep you feeling zen. Another great resource is an app created by Kayla Itsines, Sweat. The application has refocused how designs are styled and tailored them to be easily done in the comfort of your own home. There are tons of different workout plans to choose from at a low subscription rate of $7.99 a month. Working out in the middle of the day is also proven to help information retention. When you have a late-afternoon meeting and are preparing all morning, break up the prep and the meeting with some movement to make the most out of your preparation to put your best foot forward in that afternoon meeting. 

Environment is Everything

Does your office building have piles of dirty laundry? Is the sink in the office kitchen overflowing with unwashed plates? Do your co-workers wear pajamas to work? No, no, and definitely no. Create a space where you want to spend time in. Don’t let your dirty clothes pile up; find yourself wearing the same PJs for a week straight. Change out of those PJ’s to remind yourself you shouldn’t be in bed and that you should be doing your work. Create a workspace that will get you out of bed and into the right headspace and ready to face your daily tasks. If your space is a mess, there’s no escaping it. For the time being, it seems like we’re going to be stuck inside. Rather than looking at it as a challenge, make it an opportunity. 

Find a Quarantine Soundtrack 

Pair your plans, with some jams! Music is a huge help when trying to keep yourself motivated and awake through a 9 to 5 workday in which you never leave your house. Washing dishes? Pair it with an upbeat song to keep your pace up, and your attitude. To help keep productivity up, Money.com curated creative professionals to assemble a work from home “productivity playlist”. Employees asked some of their busiest co-workers what tunes keep them on track to make the most out of the day. Take a look at their productivity playlist or create your own!

For more ways to stay on track, head over to our Instagram and see how we’re pushing through this quarantine.