Increasing Your Following and Views on YouTube

By Jaci Schreckengost

If you don’t feel your videos are getting enough traction with your followers, we have some ideas on how to increase your YouTube subscribers. 

YouTube is a great way to reach your customers. Even if you’re not a video-based company, or don’t feel that videos could be relevant, there’s always something you can share. 

Know your audience

In order to get your followers to watch your content on YouTube, you have to know your current and intended audience.

 It’s important to know as much as you can about your intended audience. What are they interested in? What do they do? What do they like? 

It’s also important to see if your current audience is the same demographic as your intended audience. If not, you will want to reexamine who you think your audience should be. It’s important to regularly check your audience and social media engagement. 

Once you know your audience, you can give them content on YouTube they actually want to watch. 

Entertain and inform

Make sure your videos are engaging to your audience. 

Give them content that you know will entertain and inform them. This will ensure that they watch and share your videos and subscribe to your channel. 

Always make sure to include at least one call to action that’s available for your viewers. Even if it’s just subscribing to your channel, a call to action reminds your viewers to interact with your brand


Advertising on YouTube is a great way to grow your following. 

Ads are shown to viewers based on their viewing preferences. Your ads will be shown to people who are interested in your content. 

When setting up an ad the advertiser is able to choose where the ad appears. YouTube currently has 6 different types of ads, each which can be placed to suit the viewer. Ads are also placed within the platform based on the device the viewer is using to watch videos. 

YouTube ads are crafted to the viewer, which increases the likelihood they will watch and interact with the content. 


Share your YouTube videos across your other social media channels. Scheduling a Tweet or Facebook post with a link to your video can help you reach more of your audience. If one of your followers shares it, you might even be able to reach a new group of people.

If you send out a newsletter, be sure to include it.  

Read also: How to Increase Engagement with Newsletters

Use Keywords 

Research what keywords are used in videos and on YouTube channels similar to yours. What are the words that can help you reach your intended audience? 

In your video’s title and description, make sure you’re using keywords that provide viewers and users with an accurate and enticing description. You want your content to be 

If your YouTube content is about a workout that you’re hosting at your gym, maybe think about using words such as “wellness,” “health,” and “fitness.” These are all terms that will drive the right people to your videos — and your company. 

Read also: What is SEO? An Agency’s Guide to Search Engine Optimization

YouTube is a great way to engage with your audience and provide them with content in a new format. 

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