What is Influencer Marketing and Why Does it Work?

By Jaci Schreckengost

Influencer marketing is a great way to showcase your product and market to a large number of potential customers.

Influencers are popular on all social media platforms, from YouTube to Instagram to TikTok. 

What is influencer marketing

Influencer marketing is when an influencer promotes a product or service to their followers. Often, this happens in the form of Instagram posts or stories, Pinterest pins, YouTube videos, or other social media posts. It can also occur within blog posts. 

An example of this is Courtney Swan’s work with Autumn Brands. In her posts, she keeps her branding while integrating Autumn Brands’ products, which also go along with her brand and what she supports.  

It allows followers to relate to someone who they can trust. 

Why is influencer marketing so popular? 

Influencers are critical for today’s digital marketing. Like stated earlier, they are everywhere. There are influencers on every social media platform with followings of all sizes. 

Followers look to influencers for advice on products, brands, services, entertainment, recipes, and so much more. No matter what your company does, there is an influencer who would be able to perfectly market your product to their audience. 

Read also: Increasing Your Following and Views on YouTube

What makes influencer marketing work well? 

Authenticity is one of the most important components of influencer marketing. If followers know they can trust and believe what the influencer is telling them, they’re more likely to engage with the influencer and your brand. 

A continuity of the influencer’s brand is also important, however this is a component of authenticity. If an influencer is supporting something that goes against their brand, this can be problematic. The followers will likely know that this is not genuinely something that the influencer supports. 

How do I start using influencers in my marketing

You’ll want influencers who fit in with your brand, and vice versa. As influencers are their brand, you’ll be able to tell pretty quickly who will and will not be a good fit for your company.

A great way to get started with influencer marketing is by using an agency. Agencies, like 270M, have existing relationships with influencers, know their brand, and will get to know your brand. We’ll be able to quickly figure out which influencers would be best for your brand and your budget. 

270M provides many services for influencer marketing, including loyalty programming, wrangling and identification, product seeding, and more. 

Influencer marketing is a great way to market your brand and products to a new following of current and potential customers.

See all of 270M’s services here, including blogging, social media, and organic multimedia.